It seems pretty clear to me that that case operated with a

6 min readDec 1, 2020


However, they know these people. They, in many cases, are working with people who had worked at these companies, or Facebook has hired folks who used to work with them. It’s the same thing that happened with Facebook and the Trump administration. They hired a lot of heavy-hitter Republicans, and they were able to make Facebook seem very friendly to power. And just a little schmoozing goes a long way.I want to conclude with a couple of forward-looking questions. First things first, given the discussion we’ve had about the Instagram acquisition and the impact on competition, and we know the FTC is looking into Facebook in a big way, okay, maybe there’s not a breakup. Where do you see this concluding?There was a lot of negotiation to do something that would make the FTC look good but not be too harsh on Facebook because as long as they can say they gave them the biggest fine ever in the history of the FTC, they can say they laid the smack down.
To speed the departure process, the mother would capture a vole and then land on the horizontal apex of the large barn opposite. It would quickly elicit high pitched cries from the chicks, no doubt pointing out to mom that she was delivering to the wrong address.
Now, Sarah, just from a product standpoint, you mentioned Instagram taking a lot of the momentum away from Facebook. It seems like it’s everyone’s favorite app compared to Facebook. So from a product standpoint, do you think Instagram supersedes Facebook and makes it irrelevant?

But they’ve never said Instagram’s revenue. They’ve never broken it out. I had to find out through sources that it was more than $20 billion in 2019. So that’s a quarter of Facebook’s revenue. So actually, earlier I said profit. I meant revenue. The signs are there that Facebook is threatened by Instagram’s size and influence. And we may not know through Facebook — unless, I hope Congress asks or the FTC asks, “How big is Instagram? How big is WhatsApp?” Why is it okay for Facebook to only produce a single family of apps number and then a Facebook number? It just doesn’t make sense for understanding their power and their influence. And I think that the other thing is you have seen Instagram become, from a product standpoint, a lot more like Facebook. They are adding notifications more often for people. They’re adding recommendations. They’re adding a lot —
Successive generations of these birds had been living on the property since long before my time there. I was aware that in every breeding season, they nested on the windowsill of a bull’s eye window, just below the roof of the three-story building.
With regular fresh meals delivered right to their doorstep, the kids in this instance were in no hurry to move on. The fact that there was a drop of forty or fifty-foot right below them didn’t help matters much either.
Well, here’s a clue. Facebook hasn’t given us a user metric for Instagram since 2018. They didn’t even want to say it in 2018 that Instagram had a billion users. We have no idea how many users they have right now. That’s something you should get a scoop on for Big Technology. Or I should try as well.
There’s one thing that’s certain, I believe, is that this isn’t going to be a static area. I feel like there’s going to be a lot of action on this front. I hope you’re prepared to do a lot of these types of conversations because you’re going to be in demand.
When you look at where the harm is done, that could be it. But we’ll see. It’s kind of where both of our books collide right? You talk at the end about Facebook’s jealousy of Instagram. For me, it’s Always Day One: You’ve got to look at things like it’s your first day and let go of the legacy.
The crooked stone walls and giant oak beams soon began to test both my skills and my fragile relationship with my bank manager. When offered a day a week of gardening work at a nearby manor house, I jumped at the possibility of reversing the outward flow of cash from my bank account.
They are fond of voles, and there are plenty of those in the valley that they watch over. A vole reaches sexual maturity at just one month, and a pair can comfortably produce a hundred offspring over a year. They are sometimes referred to as meadow mice though they are not mice at all.
One of the things that I think has happened to Instagram is it has become more like Facebook in the absence of the founders who really cared about simplicity. If you use Instagram today, you have Instagram’s main feed, but then you also have Instagram Stories, IGTV, Highlights. You have Shopping. You have Reels. You have Direct. And Checkout is kind of like Shopping but not. It’s so confusing if you’re a new user of this platform to get into it and understand it, so I think that actually could be a threat. And there was an interesting line in the congressional report for evaluating the impact of Facebook’s ownership of Instagram on the cost to users, and one of the costs is not developing products in the interests of the user.
We need to not just think about the FTC. There’s also Congress, which put out an almost 500-page report on the tech companies and their anti-competitive practices and trying to come up with legislation to limit them. You have the DOJ [Department of Justice], which is also working on a Facebook case. You have state attorneys general, who are likely going to join the FTC case, which could make it more powerful. And so I think that this is not going away if Facebook is going to try to lobby one group or the other. I’m very curious what will happen in a Biden administration because already you’ve seen a lot of folks who were previously in the tech industry try to enter positions to regulate or at least think about regulating the tech industry. A Biden spokesperson this week said that Facebook is shredding the fabric of our democracy.
Within a week, the elderly couple that owned the estate had persuaded me to up my duties from one day a week to two by bribing me with a substantial pay rise. Corruption coursed deeply through my veins.Occasionally, at the bird feeder, I stock so diligently, there would be a lightning-fast strike, and an explosion of feathers as one of the local blue tits met an untimely end.The only person who disturbed their peaceful existence was me, and when they were sitting on eggs or rearing their young, I just let that end of the property grow wild to minimize the alarm I caused.
There’s one thing that’s certain, I believe, is that this isn’t going to be a static area. I feel like there’s going to be a lot of action on this front. I hope you’re prepared to do a lot of these types of conversations because you’re going to be in demand.
While living in the apartment, I first saw the female kestrel start encouraging her chicks to fly. Like many loving parents, they reach a point where they feel it is time for the kids to leave home and find a place of their own.

